The Wood Gatherer’s Son

Jātaka 007: Kaṭṭhahāri Jātaka

Ashin Saraṇa:

The king Pasenadi of Kosala just later found out that his wife and son were not of pure Sakya origin, in fact, partly coming from slave blood-line, so he degraded them and they never left the palace since. The Buddha then explained, that in a past life the Buddha was the son of a king Brahmadatta, king Suddhodana-to-be, after the king had relationship with a woman of different clan, but when she came upon the king’s request to show the king his son, the king rejected the relationship. She through her son (the Buddha-to-be) in the air, where he stayed in mid-air without falling down, which made the king accept his son and make him the prince-royal, later inheriting the whole kingdom as the King Kaṭṭhavāhana, “firewood gatherer”.
