The Wind Antelope

014 Vātamiga Jātaka (JTA 11)
Ashin Saraṇa:
A young man from a rich family got permission from his parents to become a monk after 7 days fasting and then, as a monk, observed strict ascetic practices. His parents were so sad that they lost him that their servant made a plan to bring him back. She moved to the village where the monk went for alms and, offering him delicious food, gained power over him so much, that she successfully asked him to become a lay person and return home. The Buddha then explained that in a past life this lady was the king Brahmadatta’s (the Buddha-to-be’s) servant Sañjaya (the servant-to-be) who was tasked to lead a wind deer to the palace. The servant prepared honey on the grass of the royal garden where the deer visited and gradually led the deer to the palace by prepared sweet grass, upon which the deer was trapped in the palace – but the king let the deer go.
