The Traders of Seriva

Jātaka 003: Serivavāṇija Jātaka
The Traders of Seriva
Ashin Sarana:
The Buddha encouraged a disheartened monk by telling a story about a merchant who threw away a golden bowl. A merchant (peddler), Devadatta-to-be, deceptively threw an unrecognized dirty golden bowl on the floor, intending to grab it later almost for free. The Buddha-to-be, also a merchant, came to the house, and besides what he needed for his return home, he gave everything he had (worth 1000 pieces of money) for the hundred times more expensive bowl. When the evil merchant found out, the Buddha-to-be was already on a boat in midstream and escaped danger. Although Devadatta-to-be died of anger, and the Buddha-to-be returned to Seriva city in peace, the unforgiving man continued to harass the Bodhisatta for many lives.
