V. 4. The Pickpocket
Gaṇṭhikabhedakacoravatthu Leng Hom's summary:
There were two friends who were listening to the Law, but the other watched so he could find a chance to steal. The first obtained the Fruit of Conversion, but the other stole money from a man. The thief and his wife had food in their house, and made fun of the man for not having enough money to buy food for himself. The convert said to himself that the man does not think himself as anything smart other than a fool. He went to the Teacher and told him of what happened, in which the Teacher said "The fool who thinks he is a fool is for that very reason a wise man; But the fool who thinks he is a wise man is rightly called a fool." V. 4. The Pickpocket
Gaṇṭhikabhedakacoravatthu Aung Maung's summary:
Two friends accompanied a large group of people to hear the Law. One of them listened to the Law while the other watched for a chance to steal something. After listening to the Law, one of them attained the Fruit of Conversion while the other stole money. The thief and his wife ridiculed the convert by saying "You are so wise that you can't get food cooked in your house". The convert thought to himself and told the Buddha about the incident so He replied by saying a stanza.