Leng Hom's summary:
There was a treasurer named Niggardly Kosiya who possessed the eighty cores of treasure, but he was too afraid to spend any of it to others or himself. He saw a countryman eating a round cake, which made him very hungry. He kept enduring his hunger while fearing of wasting his wealth and when his wife offered to bake round cakes for others as well, he said to only bake it for him while using little ingredients. The Teacher saw this and told Elder Moggallāna to go take all of the treasurer’s cakes and bring it back to the monastery to eat. The treasurer and his wife gave up when the cakes came together and wouldn’t split, but the treasurer’s craving disappeared after working to try to split the cakes. The Elder took the treasurer and his wife back to the monastery, which all of them ate their fill. In the end, both of them were established in the Fruit of Conversion, with the treasurer spending eighty cores of wealth only in the Religion of the Buddha.