III.8. Nanda the Herdsman
Yamone Oo's summary:
4.8 (348-354)
In the city of Bhaddiya, there was a treasurer named Ram who was the chief of 5 persons of great merit. The Posseser of the Ten Forces came to his city and established Ram in the Fruit of Conversions. The King of Kosala took Treasurer Dhananjaya with him to his country because of his great wealth. Later in Savatthi, Punnvaddhana looked for a wife with the Five Beauties. After hard searching, Visakha becomes his wife because she did not rush and run when all the other maidens did. IV. 8. Marriage of Visākhā
Visākhāya vatthu Yamone Oo's summary:
4.8B (355-364)
A treasurer gifts wealth to his daughter. He gives her cattle, gold, money, maidens, and more. Her father admonished her, giving her 10 Admonitions that she must follow. Later in the story, Visakha accuses her father-in-law of eating unclean food, but she is not at fault because of her father’s 10 Admonitions. IV. 8. Marriage of Visākhā
Visākhāya vatthu Aung Maung's summary:
A treasurer gives his wealth to his daughter, Visakha. He tells his daughter certain rules she should follow. She goes to Savatthi to live with her father-in-law. Visakha accuses her father-in-law, for eating stale food, and she almost gets kicked out. But she explains that she is not wrong because her father-in-law is living off of his stale merit, rather than acquiring fresh merit.