Determination in the Desert

Jātaka 002: Vaṇṇupatha Jātaka
Determination in the Desert
Ashin Sarana:
After three months of unsuccessful meditation, a young monk decided to disrobe, but monks and the Buddha stopped him for lack of perseverance. Buddha explained that in a past life he led a caravan across a desert as a merchant Buddha-to-be, and ordered his people to throw away their water when they were close to their destination. But just before they arrived at their destination, the navigator fell asleep, the unguided oxen turned back, and they returned to the desert without any water. The Buddha-to-be ordered his men to dig under a clump of kusa grass, and a young man who was to become the dissatisfied monk broke the rock underneath the hole, causing a fountain of water to spring up. The men drank water, sold their goods in the destination city, and returned safely, and the monk became an Arahant after hearing this story.
