III.7. Cruelty a Cause of Boils Pūtigattatissattheravatthu
Yarzar M's summary:
There was a youth who joined the sangha and at some point became known as Elder Tissa. However, Elder Tissa soon grew ill as an eruption broke out around his body, causing his body to be covered in open sores and his robe in dried blood. Soon his bones started to disintegrate and the others who were unable to take care of him cast him out. The Buddha saw this and realized Elder Tissa was ready for enlightenment, so he visited the Elder and pronounced a stanza which allowed the Elder to gain arahatship and pass on into Nibbana. Other monks questioned why the Elder had gained arahatship but also suffered so much. The Buddha explained in a past life he broke the bones of fowls but also gave another Elder well-flavored food, allowing him to gain arahatship.