168 Sakunagghi Jātaka (JTA 1.71)One’s Own TerritoryAshin Sarana:
166 Upasālha Jātaka (JTA 1.70)No Spot on This EarthAshin Sarana:
161 Indasamānagotta Jātaka (JTA 1.69)The Pet ElephantAshin Sarana:
160 Vinīlaka Jātaka (JTA 1.68)The Haughty Half-BrotherAshin Sarana:
157 Guna Jātaka (JTA 1.66)One Good Turn Deserves AnotherAshin Sarana:
156 Alīnacitta Jātaka (JTA 1.65)The Elephant Who Saved the KingdomAshin Sarana:
153 Sūkara Jātaka (JTA 1.64)Delusions of GrandeurAshin Sarana:
151 Rājovāda Jātaka (JTA 1.63)The King’s VirtuesAshin Sarana:
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