Mental Health Issues And Meditation

  • Message From: Web Admin
  • June 4, 2022
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A Brief Biography of Ashin Sarana

Born as Jan Šťovíček in the city of Pilsen in Czech Republic on 24th of February 1987, since the age of five he stayed alone with his father and grandmother. 1998-2006 attended Catholic High School in Pilsen, passing the leaving-school examination from subjects of Czech Language, English, History, Philosophy and Psychology, and Religious Studies. When he attended Catholic High School he encountered Buddhism by reading about it in books and gradually converted to Theravāda and decided to become a Buddhist monk in Sri Lanka. After one year of business English course in Pilsen he left from Czech Republic to Sri Lanka on 14th of December 2007, where he became a novice (sāmaṇera) on 5th of May 2008, where the ven. Pemasiri gave him the Pāḷi name “Saraṇa” (i.e. “who takes refuge in Buddha, Dhamma, and Saṅgha”). 2009-2011 ven.

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Previous Event

One-day meditation session

Dear friends, accept the invitation to a one-day meditation session held on Saturday, April 16 at the Lotus Buddhist Center in Prague, Prague 1, Dlouhá 2.

Video Meditation Course

Video Meditation Course is a systematic introduction and in-depth explanation of the 62 techniques of meditation described in the scriptures of Theravada Buddhism. The course comprises 25 lectures, each 30-45 minutes long, written in comprehensible English (or other languages in translations), videotaped by professional equipment in a modern style.


Selected YouTube Videos

Jakata for kids

All Jakatas chapters which will be over 500.